Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Just another lil update...

I'm having some headache issues dealing with the new server. The cPanel is set up differently, I don't seem to have the same PHP and SQL permissions, the software versions are different from the old server, blah blah blah. I won't bore you with all the details... just know that I am actively working behind the scenes to get DSFX up and running! At the moment I just happen to be pulling my hair out... lol. I can't WAIT to be done with all this yucky web stuff so I can get back to doing what I love... creating scrap goodies.

So yeah. I'm hoping the website will be all well and good by Friday night, cuz then it'll be Easter weekend and working won't be an option... which means next week. Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

If you're reading this, please send lots of good technical geeky vibes!

Ai yai yai! All I can say is stay tuned....



Blogger Demetria said...

good luck with your server move and fixing the issues with the software. Have a great day :)

4/12/2007 11:21 AM  

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