Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Technical Difficulties

The technical difficulties started when the ac adapter for my laptop decided to die last Friday. Of course a Dell adapter is not something I can run to Target for, so I have no laptop til I can order a new one online (and they ain't cheap...ugh).

Which led to the next issue. I now have to use the kids' desktop pc to do anything, which has the newest versions of Mozilla and IE, and I am not used to them! Plus all my settings, bookmarks, outlook express accounts, etc. are missing on this pc and I'm having major withdrawal symptoms. Eeek! Not to mention that NONE of my passwords are saved on here, and I don't remember 88% of them. (I can't even post to my own forum! argh!)

Which brings me to the technical issues I discovered around 3am this morning. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THE WEBSITE!!!!! I think? I keep getting "page cannot be displayed" errors when trying to access the store and forum. Also, none of my gif images (like category buttons, etc.) are showing up - even though the files are exactly where they should be. I changed nothing! WTF?!

So I did some investigating, and I think what happened was my webhost forced an upgrade for the store and forum, which messed everything up. I'm not 100% certain though, and I'm not sure how many more hours I want to spend trying to figure it out. I think the time has come to make the move to a new server. I've been procrastinating because I was afraid I'd mess everything up in the move, but since everything is messed up already, what's to worry about? LOL

There is some good news... I've got about 20 or so new products done, including March's freebie. Stay tuned for the previews and download links...

That's all for now. I've got errands to run but will tackle the website issues again tonight.
Just wanted to give a head's up :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not having any issues with the site though Sheilabean!

3/06/2007 8:51 PM  

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