Friday, January 13, 2006

All You Need Is Love...

...and it just so happens that I've got some love for you in time for Valentine's Day!

Here's the download links.

Click here to download the Papers

Click here to download the Elements

Click here to download the Alpha


Links are valid until bandwidth is exceeded, at which time I may or may not renew them. Your feedback - good or bad - is much appreciated!
Have a freaky Friday :)

ETA: New download link posted at 12:30 am CST 1/26/06...should be good for a while. This is it!



Hey there! My name is Sheila, and I'm here to share with you my love for photography and digital scrapbooking.

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to become a digital scrapbook designer instead of a "dabbler", and I've made this my starting point. I will offer free kits here from time to time, and all I ask in return is a little bit of feedback/suggestions either by email or here in my blog.

A little background....I've been a paper scrapbooker for about 3 years. I developed and have been administering a paper scrapbooking website for the last year. However, I fell in love with digital scrapbooking in May 2005 and am about 95% converted to digital now. I recently handed over the reigns of my paper scrapbooking site so I could focus on developing digital designs, and you are!

Everyone I have "met" in the digital scrapbooking community has been so kind and helpful. I look forward to getting to know you all better (and vice versa), and I also hope you enjoy my designs.

Thanks for stopping by!